
Firmware updates for Immortal DMA devices are available. Email support@immortaltech.net

Immortal HDMI Synthesizer

Unbox & Setup

Immortal DMA Gladiator Setup Tutorial.mp4

Immortal DMA Gladiator

Unbox & Setup

Immortal DMA Knight

Unbox & Setup

All software setup/installation is done on the secondary computer that is connected to the FPGA DMA card by way of USB! DO NOT install/setup this software onto the primary computer in which you installed IMMORTAL DMA GLADIATOR / WARRIOR into the motherboard's PCIe (x1 or above) slot. Installing files onto the wrong computer will result in detection.

Bios settings occur in the primary computer in which you installed IMMORTAL DMA into the motherboard's PCIe slot.

Required Bios Settings:

Recommended BIOS Settings:

Required Windows Settings  (Primary computer):

Recommend Windows Settings (Primary computer):

Recommended BIOS/Windows settings are not required but may help in some cases.

Please feel free to contact us for any support, questions or concerns at support@immortaltech.net